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The Search Cliff

Prepare for the upcoming drop in name availability

May 11, 2023

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The College Board® will transition from paper to online PSAT® exams in Fall 2023 and online SAT® exams in Spring 2024. Due to student online privacy laws in many states, the College Board® will no longer be allowed to directly enroll students who take these exams during the school day in their Student Search Service. As a result, it's likely that there will be a sizable decrease in the number of names available for colleges to license for their recruitment initiatives.

Here's what you'll learn:



How the search cliff is expected to affect inquiries, enrollments and net tuition revenue



Actionable steps admissions leaders can take today to prepare for the impact this will have on their enrollment strategies

Learn from the industry experts

Jason McNair-Faulk, Community Success Management Leader, CollegeVine

Jason McNair-Faulk

Community Success Manager,
3x Enrollment Management Leader, CollegeVine

Vinay Bhaskara, Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, CollegeVine

Vinay Bhaskara

Co-Founder &
Chief Strategy Officer,


Student Search Cliff poster

Get the insights you need today to mitigate the impact of the student search cliff

May 11, 2023