How to create an account on CollegeVine?

Here's how you and your team create an account on CollegeVine.

Follow these steps to create an account on CollegeVine:
  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the green “Sign up” button
  3. With your .edu email, create an account using your preferred sign up method
    • Email/Password or Google Authentication are most common
  4. If prompted, confirm that you work in admissions or enrollment management by selecting "Yes". After clicking "Yes", you will be asked to indicate your role and which school you work at.
    • If you are not prompted, don't worry — you get to skip this step because the system was able to recognize your email.
  5. You will be taken through 5 simple screens that walk you through you a quick overview of CollegeVine. Click the blue "Continue" button on each screen to advance. You will end on a screen that says "We'll email you a link to get started shortly."
  6. You will receive an email with a verification link sent to your .edu email address. This may take a few minutes. If you cannot find it, please check your "spam" folder.
  7. Click the link inside that email and it will take you to your CollegeVine dashboard!


If you are experiencing any issues signing in, please email for assistance!