What are connections and how do I connect with students?

Check out this article for an overview of connections on CollegeVine.

What are Connections?

Connections on CollegeVine are mutual links between colleges and students, or between colleges and high schools. A connection is established only when both parties express interest. This ensures that each connection is meaningful and has a higher potential for positive outcomes, such as applications and admissions.

Benefits of Effective Connection Management

  1. High conversion rates: Connections have a high success rate, with about 20% leading to applications. This efficiency is largely due to the selective nature of connections—both students and colleges must opt in.

  2. Forced scarcity: Students have a limited quota of connections they can make, which compels them to choose their connections carefully. This limited choice means that if a student chooses to connect with your institution, they have a genuine interest.

  3. Strategic communication: Once a connection is established, direct communication channels open between the student and the college. You can engage students directly through the platform or via email, facilitating more personalized interactions.

Key Features of the Connection System

  • Unlimited connections for colleges: While students face limits on the number of connections they can establish, colleges can initiate unlimited connections.

  • Data integration: Connections are counted against your connection allotment only when you download data into your CRM or export it as a CSV file. This feature allows for efficient resource management and ensures that you are only using your allotment for high-potential leads.

Managing and Reviewing Connections

  • Performance review: From your CollegeVine homepage, you can analyze your connection performance using the connection graph, which can be viewed by week, day, or month.

  • Detailed insights: Click the 'View Breakdown' button to access detailed insights, including data sorted by academic year and other important parameters.

  • Individual and bulk connections: You can connect with students one-on-one or en masse through tailored campaigns, enhancing both targeted and broad-scale recruitment efforts.

High School Engagement

  • High school collaboration: High schools can also participate by claiming their profiles and inviting students to join the network. This feature facilitates earlier engagement with potential college students.

  • High school connections management: You can manage existing connections with high schools and handle incoming connection requests through designated tabs on the platform.

Tools and Resources

  • Exporting connections: For detailed analysis and offline management, you can export connection data. This flexibility allows you to integrate platform data with other tools and systems you might be using.

  • Support and resources: Check out the rest of our help center for more in depth guides!

    Reach out at success@collegevine.com for any questions or additional assistance you may need.