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2023: the worst performing year in the history of Search?

Download a copy of our report to learn how Search leads performed in 2023. See how efficiency and effectiveness dropped between 2018 and 2023, and get actionable tips you can use to overcome the drop off in Search performance.

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Access the report

2023 was the worst year in the history of Search


In 2023, Search funnel performance declined significantly. This report details the impact on enrollment and highlights the drop at each funnel stage from cold names to deposits.

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Email and direct mail are losing effectiveness

We surveyed a subset of students regarding their experience receiving direct mail and email, and gathered some qualitative feedback on specific messaging tactics often used by enrollment offices. 

We highlight what works, what doesn't, and how you can message to college-bound students more effectively and through other ways. 

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How to survive the decline in Search performance


By shifting your recruitment strategy and taking advantage of different lead sources, your institution can overcome the poor results from Search that we've seen recently. 

Our report provides actionable tips for you and your team to take advantage of to make sure you keep your enrollment numbers up.

Strategies to overcome