2M+ students
A new student joins every 30 sec.
Join the world's largest network dedicated to helping you discover and get accepted by the right college for your goals.
Colleges and high schools:
claim your school profile
Meet the admissions teams from these great schools and hundreds more
On CollegeVine, students create rich, detailed profiles and intentionally connect with their best-fit schools—just like professionals connect with employers on LinkedIn.
Now, school counselors have the chance to join the network to make their work more efficient while helping their students get where they need to go. All at no cost to you.
A new student joins every 30 sec.
actively recruiting students
guiding students & families
Build and manage relationships
Manage your relationships with colleges and universities in one place
Showcase your school & students
Highlight your school's achievements, unique attributes, and successes
Improve your students' chances
Expand your students' access to college resources and connections, and help them get recruited.
Invite your students to join the network
Generate rec letters in minutes
Connect with admissions officers
Track student progress
Improve your students' chances of acceptance
With CollegeVine's admissions network, building and nurturing sustainable relationships with colleges has never been easier. Our platform serves as a one-stop solution, centralizing your communication with all colleges into one platform. Establish direct contact with admissions teams and create long-lasting connections.
Optimize your productivity with CollegeVine. Our AI recommendation letter assistant will help you draft personalized recommendation letters (in your writing voice!) to save time for other tasks. Connecting with your students will also allow you to keep track of their progress through their college admissions journey. Simplify scheduling, get smart reminders, and generate insightful reports.