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Help your clients crush their enrollment goals

Partner with the world's largest network connecting students with colleges.

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CollegeVine is a professional network of students and colleges
logo-1-Illinois Tech logo-2 loyno logo-3-unm logo-4 bard college at simons rock logo-5 ASU logo-6 Depauw U logo-7 Marquette logo-8 University of Tampa logo-9 University of Utah-1 logo-10 UND logo-11 WNE logo-12 Norwich logo-13 Columbia College Chicago logo-14 Bucknell logo-15 Cal Northstate-1 logo-16 Drew U logo-17 Franklin and Marshall

The world's largest network connecting students with colleges


CollegeVine isn't just another provider of names.

On CollegeVine, students create rich, detailed profiles and intentionally connect with their best-fit schools—just like professionals connect with employers on LinkedIn.

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2M+ students

A new student joins every 30 sec.

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300+ colleges

actively recruiting students

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1,000s connections

between colleges & students weekly



Why partner with CollegeVine?


CollegeVine is a new, modern approach to recruiting students—which means many colleges will need help incorporating it into their enrollment strategies.

icon-partner-1-offer services

Expand Your Services

Help your customers put an exciting new platform to work


Make Customers Happy

Drive highly efficient & effective inquiry and application volume


Earn Partner Benefits

Get paid commissions or pass savings on to your clients 

Here's how CollegeVine is different

Students create professional profiles to connect with colleges


Over 2 million students have created rich, detailed profiles showcasing their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, college preferences, intended majors, demographics, and more to connect with—and get recruited by—colleges.

That gives colleges over 75 profile data filters to help find their best-fit students, including:

  • Demographics
  • Academics
  • Extracurriculars
  • College Preferences and Persona
  • Finances
  • Environmental Context Data
  • & more
CollegeVine Student Profile

Students & colleges mutually agree to connect


Students use CollegeVine's research & guidance tools to find the right schools for their goals, and invite that school to connect.

Colleges use CollegeVine's powerful yet easy-to-use filtering tools to identify those students who meet their enrollment targets, and run automated campaigns inviting those students to connect.

Since a connection only happens when both parties agree to connect, relationships on CollegeVine begin at the inquiry level. That means admissions teams can focus their resources on those students most likely to enroll.

Connection Requests

Colleges can nurture students on-platform or sync to their CRM


CollegeVine supports bi-directional sync with all of the major CRMs, but also provides admissions teams with automated tools to engage students at-scale right on CollegeVine and avoid getting lost in overstuffed mailboxes and spam folders.

And with CollegeVine Applications, students can elect to have their profiles serve as applications, and colleges can accept students right on CollegeVine. 

Direct Accept

The CollegeVine Agency Partner Program  

Designed for agencies who want to help their customers modernize their student recruitment and enrollment strategies.

It’s a good fit if your agency:

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Provides consulting on Student Search & enrollment strategy

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Provides marketing, comms & list treatment services

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Provides CRM & other system integration support & services