The Weekly VineDown Panel: Building a Diverse Class With The Student Environment Explorer
[VIDEO] This week, webinar host Emily Smith was joined by a few friends to chat about what's happening with race conscious admissions. The panel...
[VIDEO] Check out a quick demo of the CollegeVine platform.
VineDown host Emily Smith dives into our platform and explains how colleges can use student connections and direct admissions to build their class.
[VIDEO] This week, webinar host Emily Smith was joined by a few friends to chat about what's happening with race conscious admissions. The panel...
[VIDEO] This week, I welcomed CollegeVine co-founder Vinay Bhaskara to discuss our latest innovation: the CollegeVine Brand Index. Leveraging...
[VIDEO] In this week's VineDown,Emily Smithchatted with two veteran recruitment marketing pros about one of the most venerable and sometimes misused...