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1,300 emails and mailers per year.

That’s the median amount of outreach received by high school students today – and they aren’t happy about it.

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anon userpic  Student from Louisiana, Male

"There's little to no difference between [the emails]. You could replace the name of the college and it could fit in perfectly."

image-png-Jul-09-2024-07-25-06-1271-PM  Student from Illinois, Female

"Emails with lots of links immediately feel like spam. Non personal and non engaging content also feels like spam"

student from VA  Student from Virginia, Male

"Make the emails more helpful on admissions and make them less like advertisements - make them more personal and/or less spam-like."

The report was compiled based on analysis of a survey of 3,000+ high school students conducted by CollegeVine among current and past users of the CollegeVine Network.

Key takeaways

Generic marketing is actively harming students’ impressions of universities.

  • The median student receives a combined 1,300 emails and mailers over the course of a year
  • Just 13.6% of students report that the outreach they receive is a strong motivator to submit an application
  • Over 90% of students expressed negative sentiment about their experience with university recruiting efforts


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