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The Weekly VineDown: Elevate Your Outreach

The Weekly VineDown: Elevate Your Outreach

[VIDEO] Reaching students in a meaningful way isn't easy.

Join Emily Smith and Mickey Baines in this recording of our VineDown from November 16, 2023 to learn more about optimizing your communication to prospective students. In this video, they talk about high level strategy, and also provide some more nuanced and useful tips your team can implement now to improve the way you and your team build connections with students.

You'll learn some actionable insights and get access to a take-away exercise you can start using to improve your comms now.



The Weekly VineDown: Work smarter, not harder: Unlocking efficiency through innovation

The Weekly VineDown: Work smarter, not harder: Unlocking efficiency through innovation

[VIDEO] You’ve heard the phrase “work smarter, not harder,” but what are the actual steps to make this happen? This week I was joined by Jay Jacobs,...

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The Weekly VineDown: Merging AI and leadership: The tech-minded coach

The Weekly VineDown: Merging AI and leadership: The tech-minded coach

[VIDEO] This week, I was joined byErika Pepmeyer, MCIS, Director of Admissions at theUniversity of Northern Colorado to chat about leading in a...

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The Weekly VineDown: Using AI to solve the

The Weekly VineDown: Using AI to solve the "Admissions Counselor Malaise"

[VIDEO] This week, IinvitedTeege Mettille, Director of Enrollment Success atenroll mland author of "The Admissions Counselor Malaise", to share...

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