The Weekly VineDown: Talk Less, Say More: Admissions Conversations that Convert
[VIDEO] This week, Emily Smith and Jason McNair-Faulk kicked off the first in a series of professional development chats.This series will take a look...
[VIDEO] This week, CollegeVine's own Jason McNair-Faulk, joined host Emily Smith to chat about admissions and recruitment travel. Jason is a former Dean of Admissions with over 20 years of experience in K-12, Higher Ed, and EdTech.
The pair provided some actionable tips you can take along with you as you pack up your suitcase this Fall. They dove into topics about preparation before travel, taking care of yourself during travel, and how best to follow-up with prospects post-travel.
Whether you're an admissions officer already on the road, a recruiter heading out soon, or a director looking to supercharge your team, you won't want to miss this one!
[VIDEO] This week, Emily Smith and Jason McNair-Faulk kicked off the first in a series of professional development chats.This series will take a look...
[VIDEO] This week, IinvitedTeege Mettille, Director of Enrollment Success atenroll mland author of "The Admissions Counselor Malaise", to share...
[VIDEO] This week VineDown host Emily Smith was joined by Williams College Associate Director of Admissions Kate Heekin tochat about overcoming the...